Surf Through The Seasons With Us!

Stoke isn't seasonal. Grab your wetsuit and join us for wake surf sessions throughout the fall, winter, and spring seasons! We will be targeting the 110-degree range (combination of water and air temperature) or just hitting it when we can even if it's higher or lower than that temperature!


  • Sign up and be part of the 110 surf club list.
  • The planned dates and times will be fluid but as weather allows and our boaters are going out and available, we will reach out to add surfers to those boats. We will try to provide a one-week lead time. If you're on the list, you will be alerted to join.
  • We will only be taking four surfers per boat to maximize time for surfers and boaters.
  • Sessions are planned to be on Lake Lanier.

Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch when sessions are planned. If you have questions or comments, please reach out to